Beef Ribs With Bones in the Middle

You have probably been to a beef rib restaurant, and you've probably wondered how they make it taste so good. Replicating the same taste and texture at home is not always easy, especially depending on the cut and quality of the meat in your local market. However, there's an easy way to obtain an excellent texture through boiling. Moreover, by boiling beef ribs, you will strip the meat from some fat, making it one of the healthiest cooking methods to prepare ribs at home.

how to boil beef ribs

Of course, after cooking, you will need to add spices, sausages, and other add-ons to make it taste amazing. But that depends on you and the dish you're considering for your next meal. If you've wondered how to boil beef ribs and enjoy a nice texture, this article is right for you.

You can also read our article about how to boil beef.

How to boil beef ribs, step by step

You can find may types of beef ribs at your local market, and they are different from each other in many ways, including how they were cut and their packaging. You may even find that butchers give each one a different name, adding up to the confusion. But all of them have something in common. Beef ribs contain a lower proportion of fat, at least compared to pork ribs. That's a good thing if you want to keep healthy, but it's a bad thing if you want to maintain flavor and obtain a tender and moist dish. Luckily, boiling solves the problem and provides the right texture you love.

First, you will have to choose between back and short ribs. The former is cut from the upper portion of the ribcage, and the latter comes from the lower portion. Back ribs are excellent for barbecue; short ribs are commonly sold in big boxes in the grocery store, and they are not the best for smoking but terrific for braising.

Now you know the available types, let's jump right into the step-by-step:

Step 1: Cut your beef ribs

We can say the first step is choosing the right type of beef ribs, cutting them into smaller parts and putting them in the cooking pot.

Step 2: Add water and boil

After step one, add around 1 liter and a half of water, or until your ribs are fully covered by water, 2 centimeters above. Then, cover the pot and leave it for a while until the water is actually boiling.

cut beef ribs

Step 3: Add spices and vegetables

Once the water is boiling, it is the right moment to include other vegetables and spices to improve the taste of your beef ribs. We recommend using salt, bay leaf, onion, black pepper, and 4 or 5 baby carrots. Upon boiling, this blend will give your beef ribs an interesting taste that will be the base to create a fantastic dish for your guests.

add vegetables into the pan

Step 4: Stir and cook for one hour

After reaching this point, it is very important to stir your boiling blend and leave it to cook for at least one hour. This is usually the most appropriate time to obtain a soft texture and complete the process of cooking. However, it is also a good idea to try the texture of the meat and stop boiling when its tender.

cook beef ribs for one hour

Step 5: Drain and serve

After achieving the right texture, what you need to do is drain the boiling water carefully and serve your beef ribs with a side dish and other spices and sauces according to your taste. Add some vegetables to it if you're not acompanying your ribs with a salad.

boiled beef ribs

How long to boil beef ribs

If you have never prepared this dish, chances are you have no idea how long to boil beef ribs. It highly depends on the cut you're using and the purpose. Are you serving beef ribs right after boiling? Or maybe you're planning to make them tender through boiling and then grilling. Most cooks do not agree on whether or not you should boil beef ribs, and they have different opinions about it. You get an excellent texture, but if you're not careful, boiling might compromise the taste of your beef ribs. That's why adding salt and other ingredients listed above is so important.

After you do that, boiling may take a minimum of 45 minutes, but it depends on what you´re planning ahead. In the following chart, we will go into the matter of boiling time and give you recommendations depending on each case.

Preparation Boiling time Recommendation
Pre-cooked beef ribs 20 minutes If you only need to recover the soft texture and temperature of pre-cooked beef ribs, 20 minutes is usually enough
To tenderize beef ribs for grilling 45 minutes If you're planning to grill, tenderize with a medium-low simmer for 45 minutes and continue cooking on the grill
To prepare beef ribs without grilling 60 minutes If you're not grilling, be careful to use sufficient spices to obtain a great taste and texture

beef ribs

How to Boil Beef Ribs (Best Recipe)

Vera Stetsenko

In short, there are different types of beef ribs. Some of them have more meat and others are excellent for barbecue. Be sure to find the right type for you and start by cutting your ribs into small pieces. Before adding spices to the boiling water, be sure to add your ribs to start cooking. We recommend using salt, black pepper, baby carrots, bay leaf and onion. You can add other ingredients to the blend, and it is important to do it because otherwise your beef ribs may end up feeling tasteless when you're done with the boiling process.

Some people prefer to boil for a while to tenderize the meat and then proceed to grilling. If that's your case, you may want to reduce boiling time a bit and then continue cooking on the grill.

Prep Time 20 mins

Cook Time 1 hr

Total Time 1 hr 20 mins

Course Main Course

Cuisine all

Servings 28 grams

Calories 63 kcal

  • cutting board

  • Knife

  • Pan

  • Teaspoon

  • Tablespoon

  • plate

  • Beef ribs
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Bay leaf
  • Onion
  • Water
  • Cut beef ribs

  • Add water and boil

  • Add spices and vegetables

  • Stir and cook for one hour

  • Drain and serve

Useful Tips:

  • Add spices after boiling to facilitate blending the ingredients and taste
  • You can use boiling to tenderize your meat and then proceed to grilling or any other cooking method

Keyword beef ribs, how long to boil ribs, how to boil beef ribs

Vera Stetsenko

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